3 Facilitating
this thread, Dave said, there are four means to facilitate: access, knowledge,
environment and motivation. I think motivation could be difficult to
facilitate, compared to the others. Motivation, which contents intrinsic and
extrinsic, is related to personal characteristic. If people don’t want to make
a conversation, I don’t think anything we do could facilitate knowledge creation.
love the ending story very much! I never thought this kind of story could
happen in real life. Actually, I love the idea of training people to manage
themselves. In my IST 601 group, our topic was poverty. My group talked about
the idea, and finally we came up with our project. It was named Learn &
Launder. According to my partner, homeless do their own laundry for free at
shelter or Charity does laundry for them. But limited number of laundry
machines is available. So providing more free laundry services could greatly
improve the lives of the impoverished, we assumed.
are tons of ways to get free stuff all over the world and internet, but the
impoverished do not have the access to them. Our project is to offer a detailed
list of free resources all over Syracuse including free clothes, places to take
showers, especially focuses on free laundry facilities. We use information
technology to build a huge information system, the impoverished come in and
sign up, wait for multiple hours for laundry. They can use our system for
education, and also get access to exclusive job listings. Information updates
daily by employers from companies cooperate with us.
would be trained to work for this project. Places for the project are located
in impoverished neighborhoods, so the access is provided. The system and
instructors could be the source of knowledge creation, and the environment
would be safe to them. I think the project seems to facilitate the impoverished
by four means.
I found a face icon generator online, and made my own, it's cute ~
Here's the link: