
New WORLDVIEW of Librarianship

This is my first blog in English. I don’t have the habit of writing in Chinese as well. So please forgive my poor writing. T_T

Thread 1: Mission
I do enjoy the idea that in the future, librarians build the libraries for communities. It sounds exciting. 

I read a fiction when I was an undergraduate. The author describes a society after our civilization dead. There are still human being left, but they have no knowledge of anything existed before. They have to start from the dark age like our ancestors. There is a library left in the world, the only one contains everything we had before the extinctions. But no one could tell what is it, how to use it, until they get into the feudal age. The hero enters. He plays the important role, teaching people such as how to use advanced tools, how to communicate with each other, etc. It’s just like the mission from “the Atlas of new librarianship”. He is improving the society through facilitating knowledge creation in his community.

I just thought it’s a pity if we don’t have someone as the bridge to knowledge when I finished the fiction. Till today I realize, oh, he is the new librarian!

After the first week of my graduate school, I found there are so many books to read. It’s quite difficult for me. And I don’t have much working experience, since I just got my bachelor degree in July. I’ll try hard to catch up with you ~ 

Put one pic from the fiction, comes from

